the Head of the American company SpaceX Elon Musk commented on the joke, the current Director General of the Russian space Agency, Dmitry Rogozin six years ago. On the eve of SpaceX performed the first in the last nine years of American manned launch of the spacecraft.

In April 2014 Rogozin as Deputy Prime Minister of the government of the Russian Federation commented on anti-Russian sanctions of the West in space cooperation this way: “essentially, the Americans want us to clean on the market of space services. As for us, the statements we will reply with a statement and the action — action. If they want to make an impact, then let a trampoline deliver their astronauts into space.”

in 2011 after the completion of the program for the use of ships, Space Shuttle American astronauts delivered to the ISS by the Russian “Unions”. Initially it was assumed that American commercial ships will launch manned flights in 2017.

At a press conference after the first successful launch Crew to the ISS Dragon head of SpaceX, said: “Trampoline works.” At this point, the head of SpaceX and NASA Director Jim Breidenstein, exchanging glances, laughed, reports TASS. “It’s an inside joke,” explained Musk.

the Spacecraft Crew Dragon with two crew members Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken was launched into orbit launch vehicle Falcon 9 yesterday in 22:22 Moscow time from the cosmodrome on Cape Canaveral in the U.S. state of Florida. The vehicle docking with ISS is scheduled today, may 31.

the First Crew Dragon will not be reusable, according to the academician of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky Igor Marinin: according to him, after returning from the ISS, tentatively in late August of this year, this manned spacecraft will probably be donated. The next crew of American astronauts will fly on the other ship, and the next Crew Dragon should be reusable, he said.

If PERWY Crew Dragon normally flies these three months, you can experience the life of these ships in the mid-year expedition to the ISS, said Marinin. According to him, the next flight Crew Dragon will go with a crew of four people, and they will go on a six-month flight.

the Russian cosmonauts may in the future start to fly to the ISS on American Crew Dragon and Cockpit. As told RIA Novosti the head of the press service of Roscosmos, Vladimir Ustimenko, this possibility has been discussed the plans of further cooperation. American astronauts in this case will continue to exchange to fly on Russian ships.