In Kirov court sentenced Maria Plancina who left her daughter alone in a locked apartment without food or water. She was found guilty in the murder of a minor, committed with special cruelty. The judge ordered her sentence to 13 years of imprisonment with restriction of freedom on 1 year. Also Plenkin will pay a fine in the amount of 7 thousand rubles. To serve the main punishment will be condemned to a penal colony.
the Body of a three year old girl found grandmother on 20 February 2019. Girl lying without any clothes on. The apartment was the temperature 15 degrees, scattered toys, scattered debris, no food and water, reports TASS. The cause of death was dehydration, starvation and General hypothermia.
the Investigation revealed that from 13 to 20 February Plenkin was with a friend, night club, hairdresser, claimed that the child is looked after. In addition, before leaving, she turned off all the valves with water. All this time the girl could not drink. The mother said that left daughter two bottles of yogurt, chicken and package of sausage links.
Examination found the woman sane. Investigators the woman said that really leave a baby home alone for a few days, but I didn’t want her to die. Friend Plancina said that she previously expressed thoughts about how to hand over the child to the welfare, reports RIA Novosti.