the search for the missing in Voronezh the pensioner completed. 80-year-old Anatoly E. found in the Department of neurosurgery at the hospital “electronics”. This was reported by “News of Voronezh” volunteers.
As it turned out, the old man left home on may 23 and on the same day in the hospital. The family was unable to get in touch with him, so they had to contact the police, and the search engines. It was clarified that the pensioner lapses of memory, and he can not navigate in space. To know the whereabouts of the men managed, thanks to the rung of medical institutions.
As reported by the volunteers, the patient is in stable condition. We will remind, earlier in a similar way ended the search for the disappeared in Voronezh 91-year-old grandmother. Found her in the neurological Department of one of city hospitals.
Text: GTRK “Voronezh”