the Main object of attacks of counterfeiters in 2019 became banknotes of 5000 and 1000 rubles.

as for the fake of banknotes of foreign States, among the identified police officers were more likely to be banknotes of 100 dollars and 500 euros, reported TASS in the press centre of MIA of Russia.

There also said that banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2,000 rubles, which the Bank of Russia put into circulation in 2017, much less tampered with.

according to the data of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the first half of 2019 has identified over 41 thousand counterfeit banknotes, which is 1.2 times less compared to the same period of 2018. Of these, nearly 40 thousand counterfeit banknotes were “in rubles” and almost 2 thousand in foreign currency.