Rain poured the capital region on the night of 31 may, will continue in the afternoon. However, the fallen amount of precipitation was enough to present may became record for all history of meteorological observations.
in may, accumulated rainfall has already made 146,9 mm, cutting off a previous high this month: in 1933 it amounted to 131.7 mm. According to forecasts, the rain stops and the day may 31, so the final figure of the new record will be known at the end of the day, according to the site “Meteonovosti”.
In the capital during the day will continue with heavy rain, gusty wind up to 15 meters per second, told RIA Novosti leading researcher of the Center weather PHOBOS Mikhail Leus. The maximum temperature in the capital will be 13-15 in Moscow region — from 12 to 17 degrees Celsius.
In the suburbs up to 21 hours on 1 June heavy rain is expected, storms in places, wind gusts of up to 18 meters per second. Possible flooding of low-lying areas and river floodplains, warned earlier today, the Central Department of Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring. The weather is due to the release of the southern cyclone on the territory of the Moscow region and Moscow city.
In Moscow, a strong wind tumbled down more than 10 trees, said a source in the emergency services. Reported fallen trees on the street Fedelino, Large Cheremushkinskaya street, and Time. Affected by falling trees, reports TASS.
On the territory of the Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Moscow areas and Moscow due to heavy rains remain flooded more than 170 gardens, 10 country houses, three low water bridges and four land highways. To eliminate the consequences of disasters has attracted more than 320 people and 90 pieces of equipment, said the representative of the emergency services. All the fuel-energy complex and housing and communal services are functioning normally.
According to the forecasts of meteorologists, on Sunday, may 31, the cyclone will continue to affect the weather on the territory of the Bryansk, Vladimir, Eveanowski, Kaluga, Moscow, Oryol, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov regions, and Perm territory.