Mathematical algorithms to help solve the problem of traffic jams. Scientists in St. Petersburg and Alexander Krylatov, Victor Zakharov propose to use digital doubles of transport systems, in order to see the dependence of traffic from infrastructure changes.

the Corresponding theory of the researchers presented in the monograph “Models of optimization and equilibrium methods of traffic distribution”. The basis for their theory was the idea of the British mathematician John Glenn Wardrop, who believed that infrastructural changes should be tailored to the personal interests of each driver.

According to the Professor of chair of mathematical modeling of SPbSU, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences Alexander Krylatov, it will help to save budget money allocated for road improvements.

the Scientists noted the importance of using a centralized navigation system, providing information about optimal routes. And drew attention to expanding throughout the roadway to avoid the effect of the “bottleneck”, reports RIA Novosti.