In the Indian state of Gujarat at 90 years of age died yogi Prahlad Jani, who claimed that he had discovered “elixir of life”, allowing him not to eat food and water for at least 76 years, reports NDTV.
the assurances of followers, and they have the Holy hermit was enough, Prahlad Jani died may 26 in his native village Charada, where he was brought at the personal request a few days ago. For two days his body will be in the Ashram, the followers could say good-bye to a mentor.
Prahlad Jani was known for statements about what not to eat or drink since childhood — according to one, 8-9 years, others, 14. Doctors twice, in 2003 and 2010, conducted a comprehensive survey Chunawala Mataji, as it was called yogi, and a second time two weeks he was under round-the-clock supervision of the staff of the Defense Institute of physiology and allied Sciences India. During this time he did not eat a bite, didn’t drink a drop, can not cope with the needs of nature, while his bladder was filled with a small amount of urine, but then she was absorbed into the walls.
“We still don’t know how he survives,” said the latest survey found a neurologist Sudhir Shah.
Sam Jani claimed that in childhood he was blessed by the goddess, after which he left home and refused food and water.
the Number of foreign researchers questioned the conclusions made by the Indian colleagues, pointing to the imperfection of control systems.