the Whole world is engulfed in the epidemic of coronavirus infections: number of cases, already close to 6 million, and in Russia infected more than 380 thousand people. While some research groups are engaged in the creation of effective tests to detect infection, and others are working hard to develop vaccines that doctors all over the world heroically save patients.

Drugs not yet

In 80% of cases the disease is asymptomatic or easily, however in 15% the disease occurs in severe form, and the state 5% of patients (more than 200 thousand cases) doctors estimate as critical.

Effective drugs that can fight COVID-19, in the Arsenal of physicians yet. Now the world is carried out several clinical trials which aim at detection protivomoroznyh properties of already known drugs. In clinical trials exploring the potential of drugs intended for the treatment of HIV, malaria, hepatitis and other diseases.

it’s not just drugs

Pandemic coronavirus has already spawned a huge number of publications in which the authors ask the question: why in the age of progress in medicine and pharmacology in the world was so vulnerable and confused at the spread of the new virus.

the Mankind divided into two groups: some support the imposition of strict quarantine measures, while others believe these measures are excessive, believing that attention should be paid primarily to people who are in risk groups – the elderly, people with chronic diseases and weakened immune system. Doctors and researchers are actively seeking answers to the questions: who and why should be attributed to the risk groups, how to help a sick person whose immune system can be considered strong and able to resist the virus?

the Authors of one recent study, a group of Chinese scientists from the University Westlake in Hangzhou was able to identify one of the factors that affect the severity of COVID-19. It turned out that the contribution to the nature of the disease makesTATUS of the microbiome – the aggregate of microorganisms that inhabit our body. Scientists investigating the composition and condition of the microbiome of hundreds of people, was able to identify in which cases coronavirus infection will leak easily, and in which the patient is waiting for the severity of disease is dependent on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microbiome.

the state of the microbiome can affect the immune response and how effectively the body can fight infections. It may envy and the development of giperreakcia the immune system, including cytokine storm, which is fixed in patients with severe COVID-19.

the Obtained data complement the already known information about the microbiome and show the importance of careful attitude toward it.

the World within us

the Microbiome – the community of microorganisms that lives in our body. It is estimated that every cell of the human body accounts for up to 9 micro-organisms. Such a huge number of living organisms can not influence our health and well-being. The microbiome in normal is in a balanced state, but many factors can change this balance, and that will immediately affect our health.

On the state of the microbiome can influence our lifestyle, diet and medications, for example, the uncontrolled and irregular use of antibiotics that destroy not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria.

the Results of a survey conducted by the world health organization in 2015, suggests that every third Respondent stops taking antibiotics at the first signs of improvement, and one in six is confident that the antibiotics need to drink for colds and flu.

Incorrect and often uncontrolled use of antibiotics causes emergence of superbugs — microorganisms that are not sensitive to most of the existing antibacterial drugs. The development of infection, CAAnna this bacterium, the doctors have nothing to stop it and often becomes fatal for the patient.

The uncontrolled use of antibiotics, there are other consequences, many of which are not immediately obvious. Thus, redundant purpose and the use of antibiotics experts have linked the high mortality rate from COVID-19 in Italy. Active assignment of such preparations with or without his impact on the state of the microbiome and impact on the immune system is seriously affected by this elderly inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula.

Internal control

General Humoral immunity does not always catch small fluctuations in the change in the number of bacteria, however, these minor deviations can lead (under certain conditions, viral infection, stress, vitamin deficiency, frequent use of antibiotics) to severe inflammatory reactions.

To date, scientists have known that human evolution was in close cooperation with a variety of microorganisms. On all mucous membranes of our body always contains billions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes. Relatively recently, it was found that they is a huge number of bacteriophages, nature’s “observation” for bacteria and correction of their behavior.

At the beginning of active reproduction of “their” bacteria bacteriophages are instantly involved in this process, trying to stop him and return the microbial community in the state of the previous balance. Examining this interaction, scientists have named the active presence of bacteriophages in our mucous membranes “second immune system”.

End of the era of antibiotics

to Fill the shortage of bacteriophages and restore their balance by using special preparations containing various combinations of these bacterial viruses.

Bacteriophages have been used in medicine for more than a century ago – this began with Felix D Arelli, who first explained that bacteriophages can help in the treatment of infectious diseases. Preparations based on them have become popular, they began to successfully apply for a variety of diseases.

unfortunately, in 40-th years of XX century, bacteriophages have forgotten already began the era of antibiotics, the use of which became more and more active. In Soviet Russia, bacteriophages continued to study and use, in some cases, for example, during the great Patriotic War, very successfully.

environmental Degradation, change of a way of life for millions of people, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics has led to the artificial cultivation of new species of bacteria that are not sensitive to the drugs as well as to significant negative changes in the microbiome of humans and animals. The world health organization has concluded that humanity is approaching the end of the era of antibiotics. This means that needed to find other ways of dealing with bacterial infections.

For the treatment and prevention of

increasingly popular in the medical community become safe for human microflora, efficient and eco-friendly products based on natural components. Bacteriophages are among the most interesting and promising.

They are the natural tool able to limit the excessive growth of bacteria. Agents based on bacteriophages can be used for the treatment of infections and for the prevention of inflammatory processes associated with disruption of the microbial composition of the body. They help to support the microbiome in a balanced state, contributing to the suppression of bacterial infections.

This function can be used when protection from the complications of viral diseases (including COVID-19). Properly selected bacteriophages, for example Otofa, production of “Microcosm”, is able to cope with bacteria localized in the upper respiratory tract, which is the prevention of development bacterial infections.

Containing bacteriophages biologics are now in the period of epidemic COVID-19, can be applied in clinical practice. Alexander Burkin, Ph. D., Professor, research associate, Federal NEMICO FMBA of Russia, which from the beginning of April began to accept patients with this diagnosis explains that the use of drugs on the basis of bacteriophage in a complex therapy of patients with COVID-19 may be promising and should lead to shortening and easing the course of the disease.

At the end of April 2020 Scientific and production center “Microcosm” filed documents for registration of another drug based on bacteriophages. We are talking about the drug Bronchial, for the treatment of bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia, which was approved in early April accelerated scheme for drugs against dangerous diseases, which include COVID-19.

products based on bacteriophages help to restrain the growth of microbes and reduce the risk of development of bacterial complications. Their use, says Alexander Burkin, reduces the risk of joining a secondary infection in viral diseases, including the likelihood of community-acquired pneumonia. The introduction of drugs that affect the human condition, through an effect on the microbiome in clinical practice will help to optimize treatment and to improve its efficiency, which is especially important during a pandemic.

to Use products based on bacteriophages makes sense, and in “peaceful” times – it may be another component of a healthy lifestyle along with physical activity, proper nutrition and care of body and teeth. To maintain the health of your microbiome is a really important habit, because its condition depends on our mood.