Model and actress Xenia performed same functions who is in hospital with fractures, could have thrown from a passing car. This version was the eyewitness who gave a review of “MK”. The janitor interviewed by journalists, said that, coming early in the morning of 11 January to work, first heard someone moaning and wheezing, and then saw on the pavement a girl without clothes and shoes. The man suggested that the girl or was thrown from a passing car, or it was among the visitors to the restaurant, opened in the same building.

Earlier it was reported that 21-year-old model Ksenia performed same functions with numerous fractures found in Trekhprudny lane under the Windows of the house in which the apartment is a grandson of Nikita Mikhalkov, the son of actress Anna Mikhalkova – 20-year-old Andrew tanks.

“KP” said that the night before performed same functions rested in the company of Bakov. According to friends the performed same functions, after the fun get-togethers in the bar girl with a guy went to his home in trehprudnyj a lane. After a few hours under the Windows of her house and found the janitor. After examination doctors in Botkin hospital revealed that she had multiple fractures of legs, pelvis, and severe trauma to the skull, which performed same functions could not remember events of the night. The clinic confirmed that the performed same functions lies in the Department of anesthesiology and intensive care, without specifying the model state.

the Familiar performed same functions, model Ales Kafelnikov, the daughter of a famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov, suggests that the performed same functions could have beaten, and thrown into the street, to hide the traces of beatings.

He Tanks nothing really can not explain. When to his apartment the police came, he allegedly slept in and says that Xenia performed same functions and I broke up a few hours ago and she was in good health.

RIA Novosti cites the stories of the residents of the house, near which found Xenia. According to neighbors, the house in Trekhprudny lane came three pairs of guys and girls. They left the apartment and again back to the house. Neighbors who heard the noise in the apartment banged on the wall, but didn’t call the police. Now the apartment is sealed tanks.

on 14 January, the model had to fly to Paris for shooting. According to his colleagues, she didn’t do drugs, always had a responsible attitude to work and could not “go to town” on the eve of important events.