From the Federal budget annually steal around 2-3 billion rubles. The head of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin said in an interview with RIA Novosti.
the total amount of financial violations, which reveal the auditors, hundreds of billions of rubles. So, last year, the Agency has identified such violations is approximately 804 billion. Approximately one third of these accounting violations that are corrected during the inspection. Another third violation of procurement procedures.
According to Kudrin, the extent of corruption in Russia is not reduced, and the damage from it is measured in trillions of rubles. He believes that to fight corruption it is necessary to provide the chamber with additional powers. Now the Agency can only send the result of the inspections to law enforcement agencies who have to decide whether violations of corruption-related crimes and to initiate criminal proceedings.
“We’d need some authority to use methods that would allow to prove or disprove corruption, or at least to prepare more detailed materials to law enforcement bodies”, — said Kudrin.