Very little is to the Message of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly. The most important annual event, when the head of state gives an assessment made and challenges for the future. It is already known that the work on the Message-2020 Vladimir Putin pays special attention to increasing income levels and “reduce the number of people living on the minimum wage”. About Vladimir Putin said in an interview with TASS on 4 January.

the Theme is acute for the majority of subjects of the Russian Federation. From three regions of Siberia — Krasnoyarsk region, Khakassia and Tuva — have teamed up for a common goal to achieve growth of real incomes and quality of life of the population. The new company is called “Yenisei Siberia.” For the implementation of major investment projects in three regions next 8 years it is planned to involve almost two trillion rubles, which should lead to the development of infrastructure, increase of tourist traffic and the creation of new jobs.

Deaf taiga area in Khakassia Republic. Tourist complex “Mine” emerged on the basis of the settlement of gold miners, lost in the mountains of the Kuznetsk Alatau. The mine closed more than 20 years ago. But locals understand that the real wealth lies literally under our feet and among the wooden huts grew hotels, hostels, restaurants, sauna, SPA and even a nightclub. Purchased in Europe several snowcat, which are transported on top of the mountains lovers snow virgin soil. And here he is — ready resort.

However, the village is located in a remote area and therefore counts on roads and other communications, which creates the framework of the comprehensive investment project “Yenisey Siberia”, including such facilities as Myrymskiy coal mine.

the Surroundings of Abakan. Here are produced high calorie coal to be supplied, for example, in Japan, Turkey and China. Three million tons per year. By 2025, with the commissioning of the new site the annual volume will reach 20 million tons of coal.

EdgeSears. The headquarters of the “Corporation of development of the Yenisei Siberia”. Here coordinate the work of dozens of enterprises, remote from each other by thousands of kilometers.

“To implement an investment project in Tuva, we need to build power lines in the 300 kilometers from the Irkutsk region and the road 330 kilometers from the Krasnoyarsk territory. It is also important to expand the capacity of the railway, which all of these loads will carry to the East. These comprehensive solutions are beyond the competence limits of authority of one subject,” — said Sergey Ladyzhenka, Director General of JSC “Corporation of development of Siberia Yenisei”.

to grasp the extent of the “Yenisei Siberia” is not easy. To do this, follow the path from the border with Mongolia to the coast of the Arctic ocean through the Republic of Tuva, Khakassia and Krasnoyarsk Krai. Even for rapid trips in the three regions from southern latitudes to the Arctic took us two weeks.

Tuva. Kaa-Khem coal coal mine. The Tuva mining company listed in the national list of strategic enterprises as one of the largest local taxpayers. Coal in these areas for tens of years of trouble free operation. Total reserves of the company hundreds of millions of tons, but no railroad, which hinders the development of the industry. Of the 32 investment projects “Yenisei Siberia” 12 accounted for Tuva. And most important of them are intended to solve the problem of transport accessibility of the region, its strong links with Krasnoyarsk Krai. Plus, the border status of the Republic and its advantageous transit location.

“New cross-border transport corridor in Western Mongolia and then to China passes through Tuva. The project received the support of regions “Yenisei Siberia” because seriously reveals the export potential of our regions, and Tyva gains impetus to the development of the economy”, — said the first Deputy of the government of Tuva AlexJohn brockert.

From the point of view of tourism of Tuva — region extremely attractive. But because of the low transport accessibility is still poorly understood. Khoomei — Tuvan throat singing — world famous brand. One many-voiced solo artist to retrieve at once two or even three notes. The capital of the Republic Kyzyl is the geographical center of Asia, marked by the obelisk and the sculptures of Buryat artist Dashi Namdakov. Twelve of the animal images of the Buddhist horoscope. For many unknown, mysterious and so attractive Tuva today is much more open and accessible.

this Ergaki. In translation from Turkic – “fingers”. Very beautiful recreation area at the junction of three regions “Yenisei Siberia”. A unique natural Park of regional significance. It is located on the South of Krasnoyarsk Krai and is named system of mountains forming part of Western Sayan. Tourism, small and medium enterprises, horizontal communication, simple human interaction — it is the content and support the project “Yenisei Siberia.”

the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has approved a project to create inter-regional tourist route “the Great Altai-Sayan ring”, which will unite from 6 regions of the country: Altai Republic, Altai Krai, Kemerovo oblast, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Tuva Republic and Khakassia. Route length — 3 thousand kilometers.

the Creation of special economic zone “of Krasnoyarsk technological Dolina” is one of the most important projects aimed at the development of the aluminum industry, allowing you to create 1,200 jobs.

“there was a project of technology valley as a zone of processing industries around these plants. They plan to create about a hundred. Soon four resident ready for such work around the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant to organize,” said Governor Krasnoyarsone edge Alexander USS.

the Taimyr Peninsula. The flagship of the ferrous metallurgy Norilsk. It produces 96% of Nickel and 95% of cobalt in the country. Southern cluster. The project “Norilsk Nickel” for the development of reserves in the Northern part of the Deposit “Norilsk-1”. It began with the history of the company. Large-scale investment program, which resulted in the unprecedented increase mining and production of nonferrous metals and platinum group metals. In fact, this the second life of old fields.

“Yenisei Siberia” project, addressed mainly to the people and aimed at improving the quality of life. It’s almost 2 trillion rubles invested in the past eight years, the economy of the three regions of the Russian Federation. Active development of the region will continue in 2030-ies, involving work in and adjacent territory.

Text: “News of the week”