After an alleged knockout drop attack at the summer party of the SPD parliamentary group, the Berlin criminal police are investigating because of dangerous bodily harm. The police said a total of five people had been registered by Saturday morning.
First, a 21-year-old woman complained of feeling unwell, dizziness and memory loss after attending the party festival near the Chancellery. According to the police, the woman ate and drank at the party with around 1,000 guests in the afternoon and evening on Wednesday, but did not consume any alcohol. From around 9.30 p.m. she is said to have become unwell and dizzy. The morning after, she couldn’t remember the evening. She was examined at the hospital and called the police.
According to their own statements, this prompted a blood test and a toxicological examination. A police spokeswoman said the results were not yet available. By Saturday morning, the police had become aware of four other cases with similar symptoms. Investigated against unknown.
The SPD had already expressed shock on Friday. “This is an outrageous event, which we immediately reported to the Bundestag police,” says a letter from SPD parliamentary group leader Mathias Martin to the members of the Bundestag and their employees.