fortunately, Russia – on the way out of the epidemic, marijuana doctors and their teams have shown themselves heroically. The whole country sympathized with and helped them, providing moral support and working on hospital as newly constructed and redeveloped to provide all the necessary.
it was not easy to organize an emergency rebuff the insidious virus, because nothing of humanity in recent history have not yet met. And none of the tutorial, this war is still not described. But one pattern is still there.
In tough times there are always those who are prepared for common difficulties to profit. Scammers are either warm hands, robbing others or expose yourself to the main characters, spreading lies about others. We will always need to gain the trust. Exactly the acts fake, that is fake alleged “trade Union” under the catchy title “the Alliance of doctors.” His self-styled leader Anastasiya Vasilyeva submitted by the candidate of medical Sciences. Thesis Vasilyeva “drove” through the system “Antiplagiat” member of the Public chamber lawyer Ilya Craft. The result — only 2% of the original text.
“I found the full text of the thesis Vasilyeva and ran it through the online “anti-Plagiarism”, which reveals the stolen dissertation. That showed the validation of the thesis Vasilyeva: its originality is only 2%, and incorrect borrowings — more than 82%,” said Craft.
Now Anastasia Vasilyeva deceiving gullible the public with his fake Union “Alliance of doctors”, which exists in a virtual Network. Through this fraudulent structure Vasiliev is still collecting money allegedly on personal protective equipment to needy physicians. In order to mollify donors, the crook publishes a barrage of anonymous letters allegedly from doctors who are not dressed properly, underpaid promised, which is nothing to treat and that hurts hospital managers. Checks show that the accuracy of the information Vasilyev don’t care. It is important a flurry and a wide geography — from St. Petersburg and Moscow to Siberia.
the Network is overcrowded as the fakes from the self-proclaimed “Alliance of doctors” and denials on the part of the real hospitals, slandered groups and respected doctors. It’s not the episodes. This is a stream. Their protest because of the slander has already expressed Gorodskaya POLIKLINIKA №4 and city hospital №14: the two medical institutions in St. Petersburg. Slander and protests Oncology center named after Herzen in Moscow.
March 31 Anastasia Vasiliev was summoned to the Investigative Committee in the process of checking the spread of false information in the context of the epidemic in Russia. On a routine it’s not misleading so — just a warning. But the warning did not work. In early April, with Vasiliev support group arrived during the quarantine in the cmch city Reutov, where a staged provocation. In response, the hospital made the video and launched the network hashtag #to americaabout. Defensive action was supported by the physicians of Moscow and Moscow region.
“When the doctors actually do heroic deeds, hate to see organizations that advertise themselves as “the Alliance of doctors”, arrange the fake news,” — said the chief doctor of the resurrection regional hospital №2 Yuri Reichman.
the Colleague was supported also by the head physician of the city hospital Zhukovskaya Lily Busygina: “In a difficult situation in the country in connection with the coronavirus, many people are trying to help, but to create visibility. These stories interfere with the work doctors. A big request to those organizations not to prevent to work to us, doctors.”
Chairman of the coordinating Council of the “Movement against cancer” Nikolay Dronov said: “the Alliance of doctors is a provocative organization that catches HYIP, is a parasite on the temporary difficulties of the health system, were trying to gain political points on any subject.”
of Course, not all at once just enough. But, taking advantage of the situation by the principle “the worse, the better” al “doctors” and distributes a flurry of fakes. It cannot even be attributed to sloppiness. This parasitism on lies and earnings. If we analyze the statements of pseudotropheus, on 12 may 2020 they donated more than 4 million 700 thousand rubles. Further, as seen when comparing, obviously at inflated prices purchased personal protective equipment, and every third ruble donations lubricous left. It is not enough that the purchase of personal protective equipment occur for some reason at frankly inflated prices, and a third collected just goes into the pockets of fraudsters.
Anastasia Vasilyeva shows amazing stupidity, demanding that the government have already made. For example, premiums physicians must be fixed “not only in words, but in decrees and laws.” It’s from April 28. Meanwhile, the government fixed the allowances his order by that time already more than two weeks ago — April 12.
And all the time is a lie. Recently Anastasia Vasilyeva spread offensive fake — naked anonymous letter about the cancer center of a name of Herzen in Moscow. About the fact that his “Director Kaprin withdrew from problems related coronavirus”, “disregards the restrictive measures on the spread of the new coronavirus infection, violates the rules of sanitary-epidemiological regime.” Then — about the fact that the head of the centre academician Andrey Kaprin, daily working in the “red zone”, perezarazhali cancer patients. Although Kaprin can infect, if he is not sick and tested daily? And at the end of the published letter — the requirement “to stop the killing of cancer patients”.
Listen to the slander of clean water! Criminal history. Professional reputation of the cancer center named after Herzen in Moscow, no one in the medical community in Russia and abroad is beyond doubt and only inisoka. As in other treatment centres under the guidance of academician Andrey Kaprina. For example, the Center of medical radiology in Obninsk — the world leader in this area. And I personally do not understand how you can afford to dip the work of a huge medical team in the dirt, especially in the context of the epidemic. Until lubricous self-proclaimed “Alliance of doctors” be a parasite, doing discredit the Russian health care system?! After all, what does Anastasia Vasilyeva — certainly beyond common notions of freedom of speech and even outside of the law.
Text: “News of the week”