During the period of isolation in the country have become much more frequent cases of fraud.

Unfair citizens use a variety of ways and cleverly deceive people. For legal entities their own ways, according to “Russia 24”.

for Example, scammers call businesses and say that allegedly there will be a test. Moreover, they are represented by employees of Ministry of emergency situations of Russia, for credibility. Find bewildered entrepreneurs by surprise and asked for money to “solve all issues”.

But the real emergency workers asked people to be careful not to be seduced by such, the more fraud can be checked.

“Seems very professional, not undermine. So the best way is via the Internet portals to go to the official website of EMERCOM of Russia. All officials — the names, surnames, patronymics are listed on this site along with phones. There is “trust”. It is best to call the “hotline” and check whether there is such a person, at the moment, where it is located, and carries out Supervisory activities in relation to such or such object. This information”.