Closed indoor swimming pools in Nuremberg, no more lighting for the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, calls for shorter showers and no longer heating all the rooms in your home. Some of the energy-saving ideas of the past few days and weeks sound adventurous. But in order to ensure security of supply despite possible gas supply stops from Russia, we need many more ideas.
In demand are industry and citizens who, according to current figures from the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries, have already reduced their gas consumption by a third in May 2022 compared to the previous year. Above all, however, politics is required. And they have to think big as early as possible and keep the worst case in mind: How will we get through the winter if no gas at all reaches us from Russia during the cold months?
There must be no taboos in the search for a solution, least of all ideologically driven ones such as the Green Party’s categorical no to the continued operation of German nuclear power plants beyond December. When Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) demands “Whatever it takes!” in WELT AM SONNTAG, he is right.
We will all continue to lose prosperity – this is unavoidable in an industrialized country suffering from a lack of energy. This hits the weakest in society in particular. Therefore, everyone must work to ensure that the effects of the crisis on businesses are as small as possible. We don’t want and can’t afford a big shock with mass unemployment.
That’s why it’s important to get creative. Maybe the home office will celebrate a big comeback in autumn. Then many offices could remain cold and commutes by car could be eliminated. Perhaps we will notice that a lower room temperature and thick sweaters and stockings are also possible. But maybe – or better: hopefully – even the traffic light coalition will remember in time to discard its unhelpful dogmatism and leave the German nuclear reactors online after the end of the year.
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