In the Altai regional hospital ambulance ends the quarantine. Next week the hospital will be able to return to the normal operating mode, reports GTRK “Altai”.
As you know, on 22 may, the hospital was transferred urgently to the format of the hospital for patients with coronavirus. This happened after it fell ill 126 people, 89 of them — health workers.
Now in clinical emergency hospital over the disinfecting works. After that, the hospital will be able to operate as usual, said the Minister of health of region of Dmitry Popov. Thus, a major burden will be lifted from other medical institutions. We are talking, primarily, about the regional clinical hospital and the Federal center of traumatology, orthopedics and endoprosthesis.
Recall that in the region there is a regime of self-isolation. The number of infected continues to increase. A record in this sense was the past week: daily sickened at least 70 people. Large pockets COVID-19 fixed in Barnaul and in areas of the province. While the epidemiological situation does not allow you to proceed to the stage of easing of the quarantine measures.
Text: GTRK “Altai”