In Rakityanskiy CRB under the Belogorod identified 45 cases of coronavirus, including 25 doctors. These data are reported by the regional government.

last week the health Department of the Belgorod region declared check messages in social networks on mass disease doctors in Rakityanskiy Central regional hospital. According to official data, the CRB had closed three branches – medical, obstetric and surgical. Not call the authorities, the number of cases.

Monday, may 25, the government announced the closure of all inpatient wards of a hospital in connection with the identification of them infected with the coronavirus COVID-19. Is working only clinic, according to RIA Novosti.

As specified, in Rakityanskiy CRH recorded 45 cases of the disease coronavirus infection: 7 patients, 6 doctors, 19 people from the nursing staff and 13 people from among non-medical hospital staff.

According to Rospotrebnadzor of the region, the cases in the CRB associated with the introduction of infection to patients. In particular, in the surgical and medical departments received two patients. One with acute pyelonephritis and one with a cerebrovascular accident. In the hospital they began to show symptoms of respiratory disorders. As a result, employees from other departments of the hospital also revealed coronavirus. To date, surveyed all staff CRB and the contact person.

Five patients and six doctors of the hospital with the diagnosis “pneumonia” was sent to the city hospital №2 of the city of Belgorod. A number of patients and employees the disease is asymptomatic or mild. Two doctors TSRB Rakityansky died. One of the deceased – head of the paediatric Department of the hospital, honored doctor of the Russian Federation Valentina Kartashova.