“the Initiation of proceedings against well-known anti-fascist is absurd”, “pressed those opposed to Nazism”, “all patriots need to unite and defend Paul’s” — only a few quotations from the statements of various people, who now speak in defense of Pavel Guryanov. Social activist from Perm, famous for its views, has been on trial for the propaganda of fascism.
Or, to be precise, for “public display of Nazi symbols”. Sounds exactly like the wording of the article, which was instituted administrative proceedings. The process began after anonymous complaints to the Perm centre for combating extremism. Say, Guryanov uses forbidden symbols in their social networks.
indeed, in one of his publications on the photos — there are swastikas, as well as people with hands raised in the Nazi salute. That’s just context is important. As explained by the accused himself, talking about critical material. And it does not promote Nazism, but rather exposed its manifestations.
Article titled “the Journalist of “Foreign Policy” saw fascism in the children’s camp “Azov”, was published by Pavel Gurianov on the platform LiveJournal as much as 2016. it comes to children’s summer camp nabata Ukrainian “Azov”. How to educate the young “patriots” in the spirit of Ukrainian nationalism. In the same article, Paul used pictures of young men “Azov”, which perform the role of camp carers. They pose in front of flags with swastikas. Precisely because of this, the competent authorities decided to bring Paul to justice for the propaganda of fascism.
“Four court hearing, where were the witnesses, those who saw my work, said I are organizing Patriotic education, were the experts who said that the article was anti-fascist. And most interesting is that the court could not interview employees of the center countering extremism, which made me report” — says Pavel Guryanov, social activist.
Most interesting is that before publishing the article again in 2016, Guryanov did everything to not break the law. With the help of technical means itself, the swastika, the author hid from the demonstration. However, to his surprise and the surprise of even the forensic experts, the prosecution of the propaganda of fascism was given the go.
“of Course, the pictures were taken from open sources, moreover, one picture of these militants battalion “Azov” hold one of the flags with the swastika, and I specifically closed it white circle, wrote that the swastika, knowing that there is a requirement of the legislation,” continues Pavel Guryanov, social activist.
In fact, Paul could be nothing to hide. The law clearly regulates the time of the public display of Nazi swastika. In some cases, it can be published, it is not breaking the law. But why are these arguments still did not save Guryanov from accusations of promoting fascism.
“Despite the fact that we in Russia in the criminal code there is an article that prohibits the publication of Nazi symbols in social networks , in print, in the media. But there is one paragraph which says that if the publication is made with the purpose of the struggle against Nazism, and is not intended to promote Nazism respectively, to place the symbols you can. Paul is not guilty! He was not promoted fascism! Antifascists”, — said Alexander Grigorenko, a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region.
Today, at the trial, attended by the specialist who made the Protocol on Guryanov on offense. And here are his words today was very surprised of all present in the courtroom.
After these revelations, the judge who presided in the case of Pavel Guryanov, left no doubt that the case was closed for lack of corpus delicti. We sincerely Paul and congratulations.