In the Victory Parade on red square will be attended by about 14 thousand troops. And to the solemn event will only allow soldiers and officers with immunity to the coronavirus COVID-19 and no signs of infectious diseases, said defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on a conference call.
in addition, the contacts of the main calculations with the military and civilians who do not participate in celebrations will be limited.
All the Victory parades will be held in 9 cities-heroes and 19 cities where the staffs of military districts and fleets. The streets will be about 64 thousand troops, 1850 war machines will fly on the 511 aircraft and helicopters.
As stated by Sergei Shoigu, disease outbreaks the coronavirus is not allowed, the TV channel “Russia 24”. During the epidemic has infected approximately 6.5 thousand troops. Most of them, 4.3 thousand who are discharged from hospitals.
However, the measures to combat the spread of infection is still accepted. Special attention is given to the spring draft. At the moment, selected almost 30 thousand young people. All of them are provided with means of protection and have no contact with outsiders. After arriving at the place of service of recruits will be sent on a two-week quarantine, said Shoigu. From 20 may the troops had already scored 6 thousand people as of 1 June, over 17 thousand conscripts discharged from the Armed forces.
the defense Minister recalled that on 1 June the army began the summer training period. The military plans to spend 3.6 thousand teachings. The result will be a large-scale command and staff exercises “Caucasus-2020”, which is scheduled for September.