In Moscow, an attack on the spouse of the municipal Deputy from the Yabloko party on the Academic area Mikhail Khananashvili. She is in the hospital in critical condition.

As told by the husband of the victim, his wife Svetlana was attacked by the unknown when she returned home on the evening of 9 January. She immediately called her husband. He ran outside to help his wife. On a scene already there were people who called the ambulance.

Svetlana is Now on a ventilator and conscious, but to say it’s not there yet. According to Khananashvili, the Woman lost a lot of blood due to the fact that were affected by the neck to the left.

the Deputy told me that this is not the first attack in October 2018 Svetlana was stabbed twice in the head. After that, the Deputy stopped politically active, which led early, therefore, to call the motives of the attack it was difficult for him, RIA Novosti reported.

the press service of the MIA confirmed that on the evening of January 9, unknown men attacked a woman born in 1983 stab wound. On this fact criminal case is brought.

meanwhile, according to TASS, the injured woman is the chief accountant of the company PBF GROUP, which develops and sells the banks money is protected from fraud with Bank cards. According to him, unknown persons attacked her near the house entrance in the street Shvernika and repeatedly stabbed in the neck and chest, then fled. It wanted.

Later, a source in law enforcement bodies of the capital reported that two suspects who are possibly involved in the attack. They were taken to the police station, conducted the proceedings.