In laptops, you may receive the “acceleration mode”, if enabled computing power of the device will be used to the maximum. This possibility, according to the publication 9to5Mac, inherent in the beta version of Catalina 10.15.3, but not yet activated.
Based on the text strings found by journalists in pre-Assembly macOS, turbo mode will be called Pro Mode. It can enable the users themselves, when they will need to attract additional resources MacBook.
In the description of the intended function said that after the transition to Pro Mode “applications can run faster, but the battery life can be reduced, and the fan noise – amplifying”, as the processor will have to cool faster. If the user logs out “turbo speed” manually, the next day it will switch off automatically, by analogy with the function Do Not Disturb (do Not disturb).
most Likely, the Pro Mode will only be available in new models, such as 16-inch MacBook Pro (read our review). In this “Proshka”, released in November, has increased the efficiency of the cooling system: ventilation openings become wider and the blades are longer. Due to this, explained in the Apple, the air flow increased by 28%, and the surface for heat dissipation was 35% more. This allows for 16-inch MacBook is more efficient to handle higher loads than its 15-inch predecessors.
to Receive a “turbo mode” maybe in the 13-inch MacBook, which will move the new cooling system and a more robust Magic keyboard with the mechanism of the “scissors”. Novelty can imagine in the coming months.
Text: To.Hi-tech