In Kubinka today dedicated the main temple of the Russian Armed forces. The rite of the great consecration and first Liturgy was led by Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill.
in Front of the main temple of the Russian armed forces — hundreds of soldiers. In the form of the great Patriotic war, with historic banners, and the banners of the fronts in their hands. In the temple of each type and kind of troops your patron. With prayer, they begins the rite of the Great illumination of the Cathedral. It was done by the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill.
the main Church of the Patriarch was greeted by the defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He in February 2018 has initiated the construction of the Cathedral center of military glory and national memory of the dead for the homeland warriors. In record time it was built for the 75th anniversary of the Victory, but the opening ceremony and the consecration was postponed due to the pandemic. Now the temple became active. After the rite of the great consecration of the Patriarch conducted the first divine Liturgy. And gave the Church two icons: “Trinity” from the personal cells and is particularly important for all soldiers Kaplunovsky the icon of the mother of God. Intercession in the battle in front of her asked the Emperor Peter the great.
patron Saint of the military dedicated to all four aisles of the upper Church. The prophet Elijah — the patron of the aerospace and airborne troops. Prince Alexander Nevsky — the army, the great Martyr Varvara — the strategic Missile forces, the Apostle Andrew — servants of the Navy. After the consecration of the icon of the patron saints moved on military garrisons across the country. The Cathedral brought them the day before: after the solemn Liturgy in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
“I am absolutely sure that everyone who will come here will be reminiscing about past exploits and prepare for the future. I hope that in the heart of each of us the memory is stored, which cherishes our country, our fathers and grandfathers who brought this victory,” said Shoigu.
the Center of military glory — namesbut this thought and this will turn the main temple of the army. About feats of the Russian soldiers in the Cathedral says literally every inch. Arches collected from the stained glass Windows with images of orders that were awarded for feats of arms in different periods of Russian history, and the Central dome is decorated with the image of the Saviour is the largest image of the face of Christ, done in mosaic. Now, the temple appeared and the Abbot: the services will be conducted by the Patriarch himself.
“I made the decision to assume the duties of Abbot of this Holy temple. It is the Patriarchal Cathedral, and I’ll have a special concern for the accomplishment of divine service and pastoral activities that will be performed here in this temple. Mindful of the great value and role in the life of the people of the armed forces, the Russian Navy,” — said the Patriarch.
For visitors to the main temple of the Russian armed forces will open June 22. And with it, a unique Museum complex, the way memory, which is built around the Cathedral. 1418 steps to victory — so many days and nights were fighting now will be able to pass every visitor.