In St. Petersburg the police is searching for attackers who prepared the food on the monument “Eternal flame over the grave of workers and sailors”, reports RIA Novosti.

As reported in a press-service GU MVD of Russia for Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region with the statement to the police said the Director of the Museum of history of Kronstadt, with the statement that unknown persons have committed an act of vandalism on the Anchor square.

According to police, on may 24 at about 23:00 to the memorial approached the car Shkoda, which left several people and started to fry the kebabs on the flames of the monument.

From the photos placed in social networks, it is clear that the pedestal of the monument left by the skewers, and unknown tried to cook kebabs on the Eternal flame.

currently established the identity of the attackers, followed by their search and detention.

Solves a question on excitation of criminal case.