In Karelia rescued two newborn cubs, who were left without a mother. The Pets are tiny, the weight of each is around 700 grams.
the incident was reported to the rescue Center for orphaned bear cubs on his page in social network “Vkontakte”. In office January 10, I received a call from the Ministry of natural resources of the Republic of Karelia about the bear, which was disturbed by the sounds of logging machinery, because left the den, leaving the cubs.
the Animals were in Lahdenpohja region. Employees of the rescue Centre gave the cubs and related documents for their transport. According to experts, the age of the kids is about a week.
During the inspection the cubs, there were no damages or injuries. Experts do not exclude that in young there is a likelihood of developing pneumonia as they spent some time in the den without a bear. In addition, they have a risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that the change of breast milk to the formula can not go unnoticed.
the Cubs are under constant observation by staff of the rescue Center. They are fed every two hours. It is noted that one of the beasts, eats willingly, and the second is capricious because it fails to feed every time.
In the Center of salvation is the hope that bears will survive and will grow, develop without any health problems.