the Modern world is full of amazing scientific discoveries. But how to understand astrophysics, organic chemistry and artificial intelligence for 20 free minutes a day?
In honor of the Day of Russian science, which our country celebrates on 8 February, Google has prepared an interesting collection: top 10 educational videos on YouTube.
In the presented compilation of videos of Russian popular science YouTube channels, including those taken specifically for the project “Meets Mendeleev”, which is “Conduct.Science” described earlier.
By the way, a billion daily views on YouTube accounted for by educational content, and ten out of ten respondents believe the platform is a source of new useful knowledge.
whether our body is salt?
In this video you will learn how salt helps us to think. That is the components of salt — sodium and chlorine — are involved in conducting nerve impulses in the brain.
Why the valley is called Silicon
What’s so remarkable about silicon, which is named in honor the same valley? The “Oh, How just!” will talk about the use of this chemical element in modern electronics.
How to become a cyborg
Ordinary Russian cyborg Constantine Tablikov talks about bionic prostheses and the role of titanium in prosthetic technologies, and helps him Fedor Senate, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, researcher at nust “MISIS”, General Director of Biomimetix.
How the seals helped to open the iodine?
In this video you will learn how one cat was in the right place at the right time and was the cause of the opening of a new chemical element, which now is in every house.
Last chance to win artificial intelligence
Why are we so afraid of artificial intelligence? Robots, however, will soon enslave the human race? To be afraid is… but not in order what we prepare books, movies and video games. About it tells popular science blogger Artur Sharifov.
Anti-universe exist?
What if you reflect the whole world in the mirror or run time in the opposite direction? About the state where the opposite is true, learn to channel Dmitry pobedinskogo.
What if dinosaurs lived on another planet?
Without the dinosaurs the evolution and history of mankind would have taken an entirely different turn. And what would have happened if they hadn’t died? What could be the life of the people in the neighborhood with the giant lizards, can be seen in this video.
What lies beneath the ice of Antarctica?
In the coldest place on the planet, no reptiles and amphibians, all terrestrial mammals brought there by people. In this video you will learn what organisms survive in polar ice.
10 mysterious places where gravity does not work
Here to climb uphill easier than down, and the water poured up, not down. Sounds fantastic, right? Some of these amazing secrets of nature failed to disclose, and some remained a mystery.
Why the planes do not fly over the Pacific ocean?
Why is the flight Los Angeles — Singapore, the aircraft doing the hook and not fly directly across the Pacific ocean? About this and other intricacies of travel, over which you never thought will tell this video.
to Learn more about the role that science, and specifically chemistry, plays in various spheres of our life — from fashion and beauty to transportation and technology on the channel project “Meets Mendeleev”.
This project, ” the brainchild of Google and Russian chemical-technological University named after Mendeleev, several other Russian universities, popular Runet bloggers and, of course, chemists.
Recall that the “Conduct.Science” in detail told about the opening of this project: it has become a significant event of the past Betweenfolk years the Periodic table the name of Dmitry Mendeleev.
More interesting news of science ” in our groups in social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki and Yandex.Zen.
Text: To.Science