the Company Mozilla has released an experimental plugin that gives Firefox voice control function. Without touching the keyboard, Firefox users can Voice search the web, translate page, get directions, play music and quickly find open tabs.

To start the expansion listen to the commands you need to click on the microphone icon in the menu bar of Firefox. After that, the viewer can apply such things as Find my calendar tab (“Find a tab of my calendar”), Play Green Day on Spotify (“Play Green Day on Spotify”), Search my Gmail for tickets to Hamilton (“Find in my Gmail tickets for ‘Hamilton'”), What’s the temperature in San Antonio? (“What is the temperature in San Antonio?”) and Read this page (“Read this page”).

Full list of commands that Firefox knows the Voice, can be viewed on the project website. In addition, the Supplement allows you to control the program itself — for example, you can ask to close the current tab, refresh the page or save it as a PDF.

While Firefox Voice only understands English. Perhaps later he will learn other, when the voice control function will come out of beta and will be integrated directly into the browser.

Text: To.Hi-tech