In China planted genetics, "to produce" genetically modified girls

the geneticist Hae Cisangkuy, who, in 2018, about the birth of the first ever genetically modified girls-twins, in China sentenced to three years in prison and 3 million yuan fine (approximately 422.5 thousand dollars).

according to RIA Novosti, the news published on the website of the people’s court of Nanshan district of Shenzhen city in southern China.

In the same criminal case are two scientists — Zhang Gangli and Qin Jinzhou. First sentenced to two years imprisonment and fined 1 million yuan (140,8 thousand dollars), the second to 1 year and 6 months in prison and fined 500 million yuan (70.4 thousand dollars).

In November 2018 Khe Cisangkuy informed the world about the birth of babies whose DNA has been modified so that their body was able to resist HIV infection. After that, the State Committee of China for health and planned births conducted an investigation of this complaint, having concluded that the actions of genetics violates the laws of China.