the Honored Russian figure skater and now choreographer Ilya Averbukh shared data on average earnings of the athletes in his ice show. In addition, he also said, with what difficulties he had to encounter in the course of production performances.
“to Make a quality presentation is quite expensive – I immediately to position your show as a show, where are the Champions of Champions, — said Averbukh, who was quoted Спорт24.Ru. Long time I trained in the regions and it does not bring income, and the cons had to close in different ways: I sold the car, perekreditovyvatsya…”
“In the ruble zone we are working for a long time. Stopped to count all the currency after the crisis. Currency all became sadder. The average fee of the athlete for a single output can vary between 150 – 200 thousand roubles.”
With Averbuch skaters such as Evgeny Medvedev, Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar.