22 of June – Day of memory and grief. 79 years ago, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Our country entered into the bloodiest war in its history. And, as noted by Vladimir Putin, the memory of the great Patriotic war, all who fought and died, for the Russians are absolutely sacred. The President spoke these words during a visit to the main temple of the Armed forces in Kubinka. Today he visited the Resurrection Cathedral and the adjacent Museum complex “Road of memory”. Now they are open to everyone.

the Main temple of the Russian Armed forces – the majestic and, of course, very unusual in its spirit. Icons, stained glass Windows and here – war banners and mosaics in honor of the liberation of Ukraine and Crimea, Belarus and Baltic, battle of the Dnieper. On the walls not only images of saints, and images of ordinary people. But they made a Holy feat – gave his life for the salvation of the Fatherland during the most terrible war that began exactly 79 years ago.

“She became violent, a huge tragedy that claimed millions of lives has left destruction and irreparable pain of loss, deep scars. Trials of wartime has shown incredible strength and resilience of our nation, the immortal examples of courage, true patriotism and devotion to the mandates of the ancestors to preserve and protect the native land”, – said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Now the army has its main temple – the place of prayer for the defenders of the Fatherland, current and former. Everywhere the characters. The height of the Cathedral is 75 metres, in honor of the anniversary of the Victory, the diameter of the base of the Central dome is 19 meters 45 centimeters, in honor of the year of Victory. The temple itself is located in the Odintsovo district, where the battle for Moscow.

“a Grand Church, the third largest. Hall for prayer here and a half times more than in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior,” – said the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill.

the Inscription “not one step back”, images of patikoNochnoy star with hammer and sickle – all that helped Soviet and Russian soldiers in different time periods.

the Temple was built on public donations, were contributed and the President. Vernicle his personal gift. The icon is painted on a Board from the carriage of a cannon, which defended Petersburg from the Swedes. And even the steps of the temple created in the melted weapons of the Wehrmacht.

Sergei Shoigu detail about all says, he knows every detail.

“a Traditional Russian craft. This is not some papier-mâché, and serious work: artists from all over the country,” he said.

the value of the Temple for Russian Orthodoxy now is great also because it became rector of the Patriarch.

Given that this is the main temple of the Russian Armed forces, especially important here today of the Patriarch, the Supreme commander and Minister of defense. June 22 – Holy day for Russia, the peoples of the former Soviet Union. And the walls of the Church – the President, defense Minister and 10 thousand troops together, to remember everyone who defended the country.

“to Honor the immortal feat of our people and all the martial valor of the defenders of the Fatherland from Ancient Russia to the present day, to bow their heads in memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom of their native land”, – said Putin.

this year because of the pandemic coronavirus, everyone has seen how life can change in a matter of days. But current trials are nothing in comparison with what it was then. Peaceful life – here it is possible to feel, to hear how the country lived until the German invasion. And immediately – bombing, fighting, destruction, death. Evacuation of large factories thousands of kilometers – and this, too, was a feat.

“Not just workers: executives and Ministers has died”, – said Putin.

Tens of millions of people at the front. The Museum carefully collected their names, stories, pictures. The tremendous work of the defense Ministry. And here, of coursebut, it is worth coming home to remember his grandfather, great-grandfather, his hero. There is, of course, the father of Vladimir Putin. A Patriarch in the Museum tried to learn the fate of their loved one. Searched by name and date of birth.

“This is my uncle Vladimir Kuchin, who served under Brest. He was listed as missing, we are always praying for him as for the living. But most likely, grinder those first days of the war he was killed”, – said the Patriarch.

And how many of them, whose fate is still not known.

“For us, citizens of Russia, the memory about the great Patriotic war, all who fought and died, who of all the forces contributed to the Victory, absolutely sacred. She is always with us, it gives us strength – the strength to serve our country, moral precepts, from which we have no right to retreat and will never give up,” – said Putin.

protect the truth about the war – not just words. The President, as promised, wrote an article, based on historical documents, and it has resonated around the world.

a New Museum complex already boasts rarities. Sergei Shoigu continues to help and today suddenly picked up and invited the Supreme commander to leave the presidential document. We always see that the President usually takes the texts of their speeches with them, either taking them assistants. And this is an exceptional case – the text of the speech here, in the Museum.

Today we live in a time of peace. But to the progressive it was our historical development, we must keep dry got to have the spirit of our soldiers was always enduring and strong, so awareness of the need to lay down his life for the Motherland was present in the minds and heart of everyone who takes the oath,” said Patriarch Kirill.

this Entire complex was built just over a year and a half. Also detail what modern Russian army

the day after tomorrow straight ranks with greatDUT on the cobblestones of red Square. The Victory parade, as 75 years ago, on June 24.

“the country’s Armed forces are improving, develop new technology, grow their combat capabilities. But the main basis of military service remains and will remain the courage, devotion to duty, honor, and boundless love for the Fatherland. These unconditional, underlying values help the Russian army and Navy to carry their watch, like steel, unyielding courage of the soldiers who gave all of humanity the world and the future of may 9, 1945 – said the President of Russia. Eternal memory to the fallen heroes! Low bow to veterans! Glory To The Armed Forces Of Russia!”

the Victory Parade on Wednesday at 10 a.m., the TV channel “Russia 1”.