Russia launched the #VIEWTOUCH, which was initiated by the League of nation’s health.
the theater and cinema Actors, musicians, athletes, writers, doctors, public figures share short videos with your own personal methods and techniques, how to survive isolation in a pandemic.
Finally there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the increased incidence of almost stopped, everyone wants to quickly finish the isolation. However, the situation with the spread COVID-19 remains difficult and it is important to have patience, to prevent a second wave of infection.
From a psychological point of view came the most difficult phase of self-isolation. All were tired, including the information, concern for their health and loved ones, confusion about the future in General.
Until the summer left a few days, the warm weather is a strong temptation to violations of the regime of self-isolation, which in any case should not be allowed.
Stars and celebrities, and their order of twenty people, strong and bright in the eyes of a wide audience, trying again to encourage the audience to self-control and to share their expertise with those who need support.