From 1 June in Moscow will be possible to walk in the fresh air. Those who find it difficult in the last days of enforced stay at home to deal with emotions, help psychologists. Throughout the period of isolation in the capital there is a hot line for psychological support.
Hello. You’ve reached the hotline for psychological aid.
the call is automatically transferred to the Department of psychological support call center for the coronavirus. The operators receive about a thousand calls daily.
– Let’s see what we can do and what I can do for you to find the best option.
Isolation is one of the main themes. Not everyone who was locked in his apartment, unable alone to cope with it. Valeria 19 years old, on the nose of the thesis.
– my practice was to be production. But in fact it turned out that neither the practice nor a diploma. Grandmother, with whom I can meet, because she is at risk.
“Anxiety is born from the fact that the person feels a victim of circumstances. A good tool to be replaced in an internal dialogue the phrase “I should” on the mantra “I choose”. We make ourselves victims of the circumstances its author, we make ourselves the Director of your life,” explains Kristina Ivanenko, Ph. D., associate Professor in the Department of psychology of the Russian Academy of national economy.
Eugene Sinkov lost his job.
“every day you need to pay the bills, buy food, medicines. I have a young family, house to rent. Apartment in the credit. Just loans. The atmosphere is pumping. In connection with this question: how to deal with this problem from a psychological point of view?” — says the actor Eugene Sinkov.
“Deadlock situations do not happen in principle. At least, nobody managed to prove it to me. Each situation has at least five outputs. Try to take a piece of paper and distribute 5 or 10 options how can I apply in this situation,” advises Catherine Shapurov, head of mobile sector of the emergency psychological help of the Moscow service of psychological aid to the population.
Another common issue is the relationship within the family. As a joke on the Internet, many, choosing a person for life, did not expect that it will have to spend the whole month. Nikita and Darya live in kopeck piece with three sons.
– Not enough streets, the energy has nowhere to go. But we have a gym wall. Daddy Amateur boxer. He exhausting morning workout.
of Course, the psychological burden affecting the operators of the hotline. Alex ikorski helps colleagues to cope with stress.
“it is Important yourself to be able to return to his condition. And understand that I came back to myself, and I’m fine. Because, as a rule, difficult situation and pull us out. And we find ourselves in a difficult situation, which is called”, — explains Alexey Ikorskii, psychologist at Moscow psychological services Department of special programs.
To relieve stress psychologists recommend simple breathing exercises.
Deep breath in. Pause hold for some time. Then a slow exhalation through the mouth. For example, it is used by sportsmen for quick recovery.
Concentrate on pleasant things, suggest psychologists, whether it be a delicious coffee in the morning, call close or bright sunshine — albeit outside the window.
Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”