Not so long ago, geneticists have found that love for tea (and coffee) in our genes.

But perhaps a new discovery by Chinese scientists will enhance the tea’s popularity even among those people who are not used to frequently consume this drink.

In a recent study, experts found that drinking tea at least three times a week is associated with a longer and healthier life. In particular, we are talking about reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease and death from all causes. (Note that cancer and cardiovascular diseases today have the highest percentage of deaths, so the total mortality from all causes is associated to a decrease or increase in risks of these diseases.)

the Authors analyzed data from more than one hundred thousand people in China, collected in the framework of the project China-PAR (his goal was to study the risk of development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease).

the Study was launched in 1998. At that time the volunteers were healthy, they are not faced with any cancer, no heart (they have not had a heart attacks and strokes).

All participants filled out special questionnaires in which reported, including the habits associated with the use of different types of tea.

data Collection was completed in 2015. Over the observation period (7.3 years) there were 3683 cases of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, 1477 deaths from these diseases and 5479 deaths from all causes.

during the analysis, the authors divided the participants into two groups. The first group included people who usually consumed tea three or more times a week. Secondly – those who drank tea at least three times a week.

it Turned out, participants from the first group had, on average, greater life expectancy and less experienced with cardiovascular disease than volunteers from the second group.

For example, the analysis showed that tea drinkers in middle age (OKolo 50 years) coronary heart disease or stroke followed on average by 1.41 years later than people who did not consume tea, or did it rarely. And life expectancy the first was an average of 1.26 years more.

in addition, participants enrolled in the first group, the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and stroke were, on average, 20% lower and the risk of death from these causes by 22% lower than people from the second group.

as for the risk of death from all causes, it was lower in tea drinkers by 15%.

this positive effect seems to have been cumulative. So, people who frequently consumed tea for at least eight years, the risk of death from all causes was reduced by 29% the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 39% in the probability of death from these diseases by as much as 56%.

it is Also noted that among tea-drinkers, 49% favoured green, 8% used to drink black tea, and another 43% had used other types of tea, including flavored.

it Turned out drinking green tea is associated with the greatest reduction in the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death from these illnesses, as well as death from all causes.

the Volunteers, who preferred other types of tea, also had a lower risk of developing diseases caused by formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries, stroke, and death from all causes.

as for black tea, the researchers found no statistically significant Association between its use and a reduction of certain health risks.

the Authors believe that the cardioprotective effect provide biologically active compounds in tea, namely polyphenols. However, they do not accumulate and are not stored in the body. Therefore, only the regular consumption of tea may have a positive impact on health.

by the way, earlier it was found that green tea also reduces the risk of obesity, helps withto privatise with insomnia and improves memory.

According to experts, this drink is incredibly rich in polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, improve blood circulation, protect us from hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

Black tea, unlike green, is exposed to long fermentation and during this process, the polyphenols can lose useful properties.

the authors of the works presented in the publication European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, convinced that further long-term studies will help confirm the results and to make recommendations for “tea prevention” of cardiovascular diseases.

by the Way, before “Conduct.Science” ( talked about the dangers conceal the tea bags and how tea has been recognized as the most dangerous for teeth.

Text: To.Science