the Rosarkhiv and the presidential library named after Yeltsin introduced the first part of the complex digitized archival documents about the Second world war. They published on a special resource created by the decree of Vladimir Putin, and cover the period from January 1933 to August 31, 1939. More than 1700 of archival documents, photographs, newsreels. Almost half of them published for the first time.
More than 1700 previously secret documents, letters and photographs of the time before the Second world war, published today on the website of the presidential library. The background to the largest military conflict can be traced from the time of arrival in Germany of the Nazis.
Here, for example, as stated by Hitler a few days after the appointment of the Chancellor: “I set myself a period of 6-8 years to completely destroy Marxism. Then the army will be able to lead active foreign policy and the purpose of the expansion of the German people will be achieved by force of arms. This aim will probably be East. However, the Germanization of the population of the conquered lands is impossible. You can only germanise the territory. We would become a period of 50-60 years in a brand new healthy state.”
the Transcript of that speech at the beginning of March 1933 was on the table at Voroshilov. In the conditions of communication of that time, undercover time was as short as possible. And by the summer of that year in Moscow illusions for close cooperation with Nazi Germany had not.
Hitler immediately moved to a policy of naked aggression, further based on the conditions of the Versailles Treaty. And resistance from the West is not found. England has chosen the tactics of an observer.
Here in may 1933 reported military intelligence: “In the event of armed conflict between the countries of the Versailles and universally groups England, in the first period of the war will, apparently, remain neutral, meaning continue to play the role of the United States of America world war”.
Ally in large-scale campaigns, at least for a time, Hitler would have been useful. Therefore, knowing the desire of England to eradicate Bolshevism, he offered the British government their assistance. But the true purpose of Germany in secret negotiations, according to intelligence network, was to build their own power.
For this purpose, Hitler demands Germany within certain limits of freedom of rearmament. First and foremost, meant liberation from the shackles of the Versailles Treaty the German aviation, the chemical industry and the German heavy industry.
the Proposal on the Union contract contains a statement by Hitler that in the event of war against the USSR Germany can put the expeditionary force, numbering two million people. Hitler references in this plans of the late General Hoffman, who demanded openly already in the continuation of many years of the organization, the interventionist war against Russia.
the Nazis were rocking the world systematically and intensively. In parallel, analysts of the Soviet Union tried to build a model — to direct German expansion in the end. If the Soviet Union and its attitude to fascism and the threat is already identified, the European countries, even being in dangerous proximity to the war, to stand on a specific side could not.
“I Wonder the poles were. As if they didn’t want to enter into an agreement with the Soviet Union in order not to spoil relations with Germany. But the Polish Ambassador said Litvinov, when he was still Minister of foreign Affairs [of the USSR], they say, still you have to protect us. Why? Because we are the balance of Europe”, — said Sergey Kudryashov, candidate of historical Sciences, research fellow, German historical Institute in Moscow
In the archive documents not only Soviet, but also so-called trophy. Record about 20 countries of the time, based on which impartially can be considered as occurring.
“In the West, when trying to falsify history, and using that in the living Rthe real participants of those events have very little, trying to present their interpretation of historical events. The documents in this case impartially show looked like the event really is,” commented Vladimir Tarasov, Director of the Russian state military archive.
When the organizers will publish a new part of a large-scale project “the Second world war in archival documents”, not yet announced. But probably, next year, in honor of the anniversary of the great Patriotic war, will be published the documents have been front-line period.