the Graduates of 2020, the share of which dropped the test to finish school in a pandemic coronavirus COVID-19, preparing for gosekzamenom. To pass the exam students will start on June 29. And at this point, the epidemiological situation needs to be taken all necessary security measures. As reported by Minister of education Sergey Kravtsov, the final certification of the graduates have time to go to the beginning of introductory campaign in high schools.
Computer, pen, book for the exam. Still life in the room — nearly every eleventh-grader. Preparing for exams this year graduates had remotely. The voltage added to the suspense: when you can show your knowledge?
“because of the long transfer date, the tension increases: the further deferred date, the harder it is,” — says a student of 11th class Sophia Soin.
to defuse the situation, initially decided to hold a trial exam. Come to the exam will be optional on 29 and 30 June: to test the knowledge. It will also allow to further optimize the system taking into account the epidemiological situation and the requirements of the CPS.
“So it was decided to be held on 29 June and 30 June mock exams. And start a test campaign with mock exams for tog. so, as I said, tune the system so that the exam went without fighting, to the students when it comes to the exam, could feel themselves safe in the classroom, in the premises,” — says the Russian Minister of education Sergey Kravtsov.
Themselves the examinations will begin on 3 July. Thus, in June, to a breather can and a school teacher who on the remote control also had a hard time.
“Our area special. We can only have a summer holiday, transferring them difficult. All teaching staff and teaching universities that participate in these pedagogical things could manage to use your vacation. They should by September 1, to fill their hand moral to go to school,” emphasizes Chairman of trade Union of education workers Galina Merkulova.
Trial exams will not affect the admissions committees. Promise to quickly process the results of the exam. September 1, all, going, to start to learn. Unless, of course, will allow the epidemiological situation.
“Universities like to accept students on the basis of the exam, — says Minister of science and higher education of Russia Valery Falkov. The schedule that is announced, allows us within a reasonable time — to take them, we discussed in detail”.
the Offset timing of the exam will not interfere with the main universities in the country to conduct their own internal testing, so, as before, to select the most worthy.
“For us it is very important the two waves of enrollment. Because we have our own DWI. We need to spend it. We are ready to spend. It’s a few universities around. We will conduct a DWI and then enrollment. Preferably in two waves. As it is more correctly to applicants. Otherwise one wave we may not execute the plans of admission to our universities,” — says the rector of Lomonosov University Viktor Sadovnichy.
in the meantime, students continue to prepare for: who is using the recorded video lessons of teachers who with the help of computer programs. But in this situation look for the positive: after all the preparation time they were given a month longer than graduates from other years.