During the working meeting with Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked him to send in the Russian regions of brigade capital’s doctors, who could help in the fight against coronavirus. Broadcast meetings led channel “Russia 24”.
According to the head of state, the Moscow health system has the experience and a serious margin. In this regard, the capital could help regions that need support. Putin drew attention to the fact that in the country there are still regions where the situation remains difficult.
in addition, the President asked the mayor to consider extending to the regions of part of the provision of medical equipment and medicines. Vladimir Putin noted that the more effective the help is, the faster the subjects of the country will achieve the same positive trend that is emerging now in the capital.
the Mayor said that Moscow on Wednesday and Thursday 27 and 28 may, will provide the sending of medical supplies, personal protection equipment and medical teams to the regions, including Pskov and Vladimir region. Such emergency measures are accepted because we must act immediately, and a week or two this can be useless.
Sergei Sobyanin, in turn, reported on the situation in Moscow. According to him, almost half of hospital beds in the city, cooked for patients with coronavirus-free. It can gradually start to use for the provision of routine medical care.
the Mayor noted that the capital managed to create a powerful group to fight COVID-19. According to Sobyanin, this situation is allowed to err for any development of the situation.
During the conversation with Putin, the mayor again drew attention to the fact that the city managed to avoid the hard scenario. Starting next week, work will begin on the introduction of the planned assistance.
Vladimir Putin during the meeting also noted that the situation with distribution tocoronavirus in Moscow stabiliziruemost. Work Sobyanin and the Moscow government, the head of state called responsible and thoughtful.