From Sophia and Alicia from Nizhnevartovsk difficult diagnoses: perinatal lesions of the Central nervous system, cerebral palsy, retarded psychomotor development. To learn all the things that you know how 2-year-olds, girls need special training in the rehabilitation center. They cost 210 100, but all the savings the family has already ended.

Help Sophia and Alicia Mitaskim

“a Few years my husband and I wanted kids. With the second IVF attempts, I was able to get pregnant. As it turned out, twins. The pregnancy was uneventful, I felt good, passed all the time of the survey. The children developed without deviations. But in the 32nd week started with a sudden birth, and I had to do a caesarean,” says the mother and babies.

the Girls were born small. Alicia weighed only 1400 g, and Sofia 1640 due to severe hypoxia at birth they had a Central nervous system. In serious condition, they immediately was taken to ICU and connected to ventilator.

after 5 days the children were transferred to the Department of premature and diagnosed with “perinatal CNS hypoxic-ischemic Genesis.”

“After discharge, we went through several rehabilitations in our city, did constantly massage and physical therapy. Doctors said that children will catch up with their peers, but lag was evident. 6 month Sofia was only able to hold their head and hold the toy in his hand. Alicia crawled on their bellies and tried to crawl on his knees. Wait, we could no longer,” explains their mom.

the Family went on inspection in the Samara center “‘ll Go myself.” There the doctors immediately put accurate diagnoses: Sofia has cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, and Alicia PCNS and the lag of psychomotor development.

For girls developed the individual program of rehabilitation. After the first course was immediately visible results — they have strengthened, become more active, there are new skills and interest in the environmentto him the world.

“In between the courses we take each day doing physical therapy, playing educational games. Alicia and Sophia is a very inquisitive, engaged with pleasure, and every day I notice they have some new umelci. We have a sixth year to “Go himself”. But, unfortunately, all the savings are exhausted, the family only the father works , so we have to turn to the Fund for help. We believe in our children and will fight the disease until full recovery”, — appeals to all the benefactors of the mother of the twins.

Help Sophia and Alicia Mitaskim

to Help the girls by sending SMS to 7545 with any donation amount (example: 300) or room 3434 with the word “Help” and any donation amount (example: Help 300).

in addition, payment can be done through “Sberbank online” (on the memo line, please indicate “donation for Sophia and Alicia Mityaevskih”).