Russian President Vladimir Putin will check the implementation of its orders for the provision of assistance to Dagestan in the fight against coronavirus, reports TASS.
during the meeting on the sanitary-epidemiological situation in Russia on Friday, the head of state has demanded to report, “how to perform all the instructions as the situation in Dagestan and other regions where the situation is complex and requires special, ongoing attention”.
He recalled that the recent private meeting on the situation with coronavirus in Dagestan “was adopted a number of specific measures.” Among them Putin described “the construction forces of the Ministry of defense of the medical center infectious profile, which would then be transferred to the Republic decision to erect two temporary hospital for emergency care; conducting the forces of the Ministry of sanitation and social institutions, health facilities, and other places associated with a visit to people.”
the President noted that the Ministry of health of the Republic assisted with medical personnel, supply of necessary equipment and drugs.
Putin said that experts and scientists daily send him the estimates and forecasts of the situation with the epidemic of coronavirus in the country, and in every Russian region.