In Lipetsk ended annual Decade of sport and health, which took place from 30 December to 8 January in the city schools, youth centers, sports facilities and playgrounds at place of residence. Lipchane competed in strength, dexterity and endurance, transfers STRC “Lipetsk”.
Just ten days, was held about 60 events and sports events for the Lipetsk residents of all ages. The opening ceremony of the Decade of sport and health disco was “Hello, New year!” which on the night of 31 December to 1 January SK of the “Star” brought together about a thousand of Lipetsk residents.
From 2 to 7 January 2020 everyone could attend ice presentation “visiting the Snow Queen”. In sports schools held tournaments and competitions in 15 sports. Among them — volleyball tournament among teams of girls, championship chess, table tennis, weightlifting, match meetings on football and mini-football, and competitions in freestyle, Greco-Roman wrestling, Boxing and others.
As noted in the Department for physical culture and sports, in General, the various forms of active pastime in the days of the Christmas holidays managed to cover more than 40 thousand inhabitants of the city.
Text: GTRK “Lipetsk”