What will change in life of Russians with the New year? Yesterday we spoke about the increase of social payments and expansion of experiment on self-employed. In addition, from 1 January 2020, introduce a compulsory labelling, the increase of payments on OSAGO and rising prices for alcohol.
In the New year enter with new rules. Traditionally, January 1 brings with it a number of accepted bills. Part of new laws connected with the protection of domestic producers and the fight against counterfeiting.
for Example, the liquor will become dearer. Cognac will rise to 45 roubles, vodka – on 15. However, the expected increase in prices of wine.
In 2020, the excise tax for imported and domestic wines called. Russian producers will be able to get tax deductions if they produce the drink only from local raw materials. The list of excisable goods was also added bulk wine and grapes for wine production.
“In 2012-2014 was held excise reform. For three years the rate has increased 2.5 times. And therefore, the excise duty on spirits did not increase until 2018. 2020 re-starts the program sustainable growth rate of excise duty on strong alcohol by about 5-6 percent per year. That is, it is the first factor and most important one,” says than the increase in prices, Director of the Center of researches Federal and regional alcohol markets “tsifrra” Vadim Drobiz.
an Important tool of quality control of goods will become mandatory labeling of drugs and tobacco products by special codes. They will allow you to track the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer. Classic cigarettes are already marked mandatory from mid-expiring 2019. Have a drug manufacturers still have time – exactly 6 months. But arbitrarily labeling eco, bio or organic will now be banned. Products and their producers will have to check. Experts remind that soon an article about the violation of the rights of the consumerth.
“While this article in relation to organic products does not work. If it works, for unscrupulous producers will act fines. For those producing products of 300 to 500 thousand rubles, and the full withdrawal of the products from the shelf. For shops and supermarkets which illegally put such products on the shelf, the penalty can reach up to 1.5 million rubles”, — said the Executive Director of the National organic Union Oleg Mironenko.
Lovers loans will not be able to take them without restrictions. Russian banks will provide to the Bank information about debt load of the population. By the way, some experts believe that in betting this innovation is already affected.
the savings Bank has increased the interest on most cash loans from 1 October, when they began to act parameters limit the debt burden. Not only changed rates are small loans to 300 thousand rubles. But some analysts are sure that the interest will continue to influence a single factor.
“We do not expect changes in interest rates on loans in this regard. As banks set and offer interest rates based on the financial situation of the borrower, the interest rate will depend more on the level of the key rate of the Central Bank, rather than from that of, say, the innovations,” — emphasizes the Deputy Director of the group ratings of financial institutions Irina Nosova.
But motorists last months of the year brought good news. From 1 January for the entire country four times increased the maximum payment at registration of an accident by Europrotocol. Previously on the payment to 400 thousand roubles could count only in Moscow, St.-Petersburg and regions.
Limits and expect those who collect the money for their projects via the Internet. 2020 comes into force a new Federal law regulating retail financing or crowdfunding. Now one will be able to attract more than one milliard roubles a year.
Change some of the rules of conduct. Individuals without the status of professional investor can invest in projects not more than 600 thousand rubles. Will change requirements and platforms for crowdfunding. It is not less than 5 million rubles of its own capital, as well as compulsory membership in the registry of the Bank of Russia.