the staff of the Centre for the protection of natural resources West Sumatra found recently near lake Maninjau on the island of Sumatra parasitic carnivorous flower of gigantic proportions. Experts say that it is the largest instance in our world.
a flower of the genus rafflesia was the largest of the was (by the way, beating the previous record relative). A magnificent example of the amazing plant that smells disgusting and has no their own stems, or leaves, belongs to the species of Rafflesia tuan-mudae.
the Genus rafflesia was discovered in the 19th century by the British sir Stamford Raffles. An exotic plant is famous for its huge flowers. Depending on growing conditions the flowers have a size of from 30 to 100 centimetres and weigh more than 10 kilograms.
But periodically there are real giants. So, earlier it was the largest inflorescence had a size of 107 centimeters in diameter.
As it turned out, this is not the limit for a plant-parasite that survives only thanks to the introduction into the tissues of the host plant. The diameter of new Botanical discoveries was 111 centimeters.
“Found the other day a specimen of Rafflesia tuan-mudae is the largest ever was the flower of rafflesia,” said one of the participants of the expedition Ade Putra (Ade Putra) in the materials of the French news Agency AFP.
Usually flowering exotic representative of the plant Kingdom lasts no more than weeks. Then a giant flower dies and rots.
By the way, the rafflesia is in appearance somewhat similar to the scattered pieces of meat. The flower emits a very strong and unpleasant aroma of decaying flesh, for which the plant is sometimes called the “corpse Lily”.
it is Easy to guess that this scent helps to attract a large number of insects. They serve as flesh-eating rafflesia food source.
Insects the plant attracts the smell of decomposed flesh.Photo By Ahoerstemeier/Wikimedia Commons.
To man a plant-the giant safe, however, experts still recommend not to touch him. The fact that imposing and even frightening appearance of rafflesia very deceptive. It buds and blossoms are actually very fragile and easy to damage.
we will Add that exotic representative of the Indonesian species is also a medicinal plant. A local resident used an extract from the buds of rafflesia after child birth, and men with it, improve potency.
By the way, earlier authors “News.Science” ( told about the other amazing plants. For example, “alien” representative of the terrestrial flora and unusual hunting strategy other insect-eating flower. We also wrote about how the plant attracts insect pollinators with the smell of the dying bees.
Text: To.Science