Russia has experienced abnormally warm weather as it is not a powerful area of high pressure or “Siberian high”. While in Canada and Alaska unusually cold.
As reported by RIA Novosti the head of the situational center Roshydromet Yuri Varakin, usually the “Siberian high” formed at this time over Western and Eastern Siberia over the Krasnoyarsk territory and Yakutia over. This area keeps the warm air is cooling, and then the cold naturally extends to the Urals and Central Russia.
According to meteorologists, this cyclone this year, is not formed over Siberia, and is on the border of Mongolia, over North-West China, captures the South of Buryatia and the southern Transbaikal region.
For this reason, in southern Buryatia and — 25, I — 30, and cyclones pass freely through the Urals, carrying warm Atlantic and the cold is not over Siberia, and into Canada, to Alaska, where temperatures reach — 30 degrees.
“In Quebec — and this is the latitude of the Crimea — up to — 20 degrees with snow and cold. This circulation of air masses more typical of late October, beginning of November,” — said the forecaster.
He also added that the warmth of the Russians required the perfect combination of circumstances: extensive cold zone collides with warm air over the Gulf stream penetrates into Europe, and then spread to Asia without encountering in its path obstacles.
meanwhile, residents of European Russia waited for the snow, but soon weather forecasters promise a cold snap. According to the Center weather PHOBOS, on the Russian plain a cold, and to the North of Siberia there will come warming. The same cyclone will be able to a little cool European part of Russia and warm the North of Siberia.
on Thursday under the impact of the vortex came the Arctic coast of Russia. In primary schools in the North-East the Republic of Komi canceled classes. The Blizzard was suspended traffic on the roads in the Nenets Autonomous district and the Yamal Peninsula. Late at night snowstormsand raged on the North of the Krasnoyarsk territory, Norilsk.
In the midst of bad weather on Thursday was Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Here during the day the wind increased to 27 meters per second. Due to the transfer pull-down snow visibility on the roads in places was less than a kilometer. In the Urals impulses were weaker, up to 20-21 m/s Friday main core of the storm cyclone will move to Siberia.
On the Yamal Peninsula will blow up to 20-25 m/s And in the lower reaches of the Yenisei and Taimyr, the wind can accelerate even more.
There also will be observed and the most intense snowfall. Places for the day can drop more than 20 mm of rainfall or more than half of January normal.
In Norilsk Blizzard will linger until Saturday. Wind gusts of about 25 meters per second. With bad weather in the region will come strong warming, the daytime temperature will rise to — 9, which is almost 15 degrees warmer than usual.
Then the atmosphere will start to calm down, become colder, to the Old New year the temperature will fall to — 21. However, Tuesday is expected the invasion of a new cyclone bearing with snow to a heat wave.
the Cyclone, carrying the heat in Siberia will cause a small temperature drop on the Russian plain. On Friday, the region will be air masses from the Barents sea. The peak of the cold snap will have on Saturday. Sunday-recover Atlantic weather process, return of thaw.
on Friday in the capital, significant rainfall, daytime temperatures are around 0, it is more than six degrees warmer than normal. On Saturday in Moscow is expected snowfall and the thermometer will fall to — 1. Sunday will become warmer to +1, +2. Precipitation turning into rain, will be snow appeared to break cover.