For Zhigulevskaya HPP increased discharges of water into the Volga. This year the flood lasted. You need to lower the water level in the Kuibyshev reservoir and to create optimal conditions for spawning fish.
22 million litres per second is discharged into the Volga now, in order to stabilize the water level to the beginning of the summer season. This dam controls the mode of the admission of water to the lower reaches of the river all the way to Astrakhan.
This volume of water passing through the dam, can be seen rarely. This is a peak reset on Eurasia’s largest reservoir this season.
So wide the floodgates of the Kuibyshev reservoir open only in the flood season, which this year are particularly strong. A year ago there was a drought, and excess water.
“the High level of water as undesirable as low. Groundwater starts above the lie, and then comes the flooding,” says hydrometeorolog Hope Karasova.
for the First time in several decades, the water inflow into the Volga and a half times above the norm. Thanks to the dams, the Volga region, avoids flooding, and on the field there is water as long as necessary.
In the Samara region the irrigation season. In this economy for each hectare takes a thousand litres of water. Farmers hope for a good harvest. And fish farms this season started much better than the previous one.
the Volga sturgeon — the pride of the region. On one of the largest fish farms in the Samara region expect an increase in the population of this noble fish.
“Now we have the optimum level. Meets our requirements and the requirements of ichthyologists who follow the spawning” — the Director for development of JSC UK of “Aquabiotech” Yuri Dyakov.
Kuibyshev reservoir dam, which holds Volga, in fact fresh sea among the vast Russian fields, a length of more than five hundred kilometers and a width of up to forty. It allows and yields in the village to control and fisheries to develop. In addition, the reservoir provides electricity to a large cityand. And yet, the water discharge through the dam is just beautiful.