700 pretensioners Buryatia Republic have undergone vocational training in 2019. Event realized in the framework of the national project “Demography”. Last year residents of the Republic of pensionable age free improved their skills and mastered new professions: from the staff Manager and accountant to the driver, dangerous goods and cook.

the Initiative is about training came from both citizens and employers. Courses were selected in accordance with the needs of citizens and employers given the demand in the labour market of the Republic. Unemployed citizens approaching retirement age at the time of study were paid the scholarship in the amount of the minimum salary increased by regional factor.

GTRK “Buryatia” reminds us that in 2019, a free of charge training short courses are working and job-seeking citizens 5 years before retirement age (including early). For the implementation of activities allocated funds in the amount of 25 million rubles. The active participation of leading enterprises of the Republic — JSC “Ulan-Ude aviation plant”, JSC “selenginskiy pulp and Board mill”. These employers compensated for the cost of vocational training 174 employees.

In 2020, in the framework of the regional project “Senior citizens” national project “Demography” changes the category of citizens for the passage of vocational training. The category of “citizens approaching retirement age,” adds the category of “citizens aged 50 years and older.” This will direct to study not only citizens of pre-retirement age and older than 50 years of age, but also retirees.

In the new year, planned professional training 402 citizens aged 50 years and older and citizens of pensionable age. For the implementation of activities funded in the amount of 33235,3 thousand rubles.

Text: GTRK “Buryatia”