When people with high self-control eat with their hands, the food seems tastier to them. This is the conclusion of a new study Madjarov Adriana (Adriana Madzharov) from Stevens Institute of Technology.
In the first experiment the scientist was attended by 45 students. They answered questions about eating behavior and degree of self-control in eating.
Then participants were asked to explore and try a cheese called Munster, which has a peculiar pungent smell. One of the volunteers used the skewer and the other took the cheese with your hands.
Later, a survey showed that people who highly valued the level of self-control, the cheese was more tasty and appetizing, if they held it in their hands. But in the opinion of those who follow their own food weaknesses, method of tasting, it seems, affected not enough: their estimates were about the same.
“These two groups are not the same processed sensory information, says the author of the study. — People who regularly monitor food consumption, direct contact increases touch response, making the food more attractive.”
This is confirmed by a second experiment involving 145 students. Volunteers from the first group had to get used to the role “Sotnikov” — to imagine that they monitor the quality and quantity of food to be in shape. The second group got the role of “Hedonists” — people who delight yourself with your favorite dishes, in an effort to maximize pleasure and not caring about the weight.
Then the students were given plastic cups with mini-donuts. First you need to evaluate them visually, drawing attention to texture, freshness and quality, and then to eat or picking up or using skewers.
In the end, more than just donuts like the parties that were set to self-control and took the product.
This is the first work that showed that touching a food can affect its perception. (Is it because of harmful junk food, which usually eat with their hands, soth dream of even the adherents of a healthy diet?)
the Study presented in the Journal of Retailing, it is interesting from the point of view of the sensory marketing impact on the emotional state of consumers to increase sales. On the other hand, it may also be of interest to professionals dealing with problems of excess weight and obesity.
by the Way, earlier “Conduct.Science” talked about simple way to start eating healthy food: you need more sleep.
Text: To.Science