the Situation with floods in the Murmansk region became the main theme of the operational meeting, which was held in the regional government. As you know, over the weekend, Kola river overflowed. The result of abutment of the railway bridge across the river has shifted. Traffic on the stretch station Output Cola was stopped, reminds GTRK “Murman”. Now in this direction operates the bus service.

Check upon state of emergency the beginning of the North-Western transport Prosecutor’s office. As the Governor said, to renew transportation to out-of-work stage will try to establish for two weeks. Transportation of passengers carries out by the Oktyabrskaya railway. Replacement of the bridge spans is conducted around the clock.

the Bridge across the Cola was built in the late 30-ies of the last century. Last renovated in 2014. fortunately, the officers of the Railways promptly noticed the problem and stopped the movement, said Andrei Chibis.

the whole region difficult situation with floods is stored at 11 sites. All of them are under permanent control, said the Chairman of the Committee on security of the population of Murmansk region Vladimir Gusev. Impounded dam lake a Large Drinking in the Leninsky district of Murmansk, the road in the area of the clamping ring East of the Bypass and upper rostinskoe shosse. The situation in 15 industrial enterprises, trapped by the floods, under the control of the operational headquarters, said Gusev. Now the water began to decline.

Flooding, including marked in Olenegorsk, in the area of lake Okunivka in Murmansk, on the road bridge in Murmashah, the road from 131 km by 229 km, at the camp “Sami village” gardening partnership in the Tersky district. None of the residents were not injured.

Text: GTRK “Murman”