Hoteliers and owners of fitness clubs are trying to understand how to work with the requirements of the CPS in conditions where still exists the threat of coronavirus.
In Moscow, some hotels in the last two months work has continued, but the sports centres have had to close. On the eve of the CPS issued guidelines for swimming pools and fitness clubs.
Representatives of the Association of operators of the fitness industry, answering the questions of RIA Estate noted that these recommendations will allow sports centres to work in a pandemic coronavirus infection with loading of 50 percent, but to predict the timing of recovery of the industry at the moment is premature.
the head of the Association of operators of the fitness industry of Russia Olga Kiseleva said that the recovery of the industry and the resumption of normal work will largely depend on the regional authorities from the CPS on the ground.
“that’s Why our regional offices are now actively working with them, forming a model of discovery”, — said Kiselyov, adding that “in a number of regions already have the first progress”.
Managing partner at network fitness clubs Forte Club, World Class and “FizKult” (Saratov) Constantine Chernitsov, for its part, draws attention to the fact that the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzora will lead to higher costs. for disinfection of ventilation (it should be done before the opening of the sports clubs).
According to him, we are talking about millions of rubles.
the General Director of a network of clubs “Territory fitness” Alexander Kolmykov when told that many of the companies in connection with the late received support measures there was a debt on salaries to employees and some large companies loans to receive wages could not.
Banks refused, told Kolmykov, because they “do not fit the criteria of small and medium business”.
“to Recover we will be able after complete lifting of restrictions” he said.
as for the hotels of Moscow, they are after the announcement of the removal of some restrictions due to kovida also preparing for work in new conditions taking into account the recommendations of the CPS.
the head of the Committee for the hotel business of the Moscow regional branch of the organization “Business Russia” Dmitry Shlapak noted that the new measures “are more related to distance”.
“While there will be no buffets will be closed to all sport facilities”, — said Shlapak.
He also said that there are indications of the regulator all breakfasts provide guests directly in the room and thus to minimize the number of people in the lobby and other public areas of the hotel.
of Course, the hotels will comply with the standards of the sanitary processing of premises, in hotels are already preparing: applied the necessary markup and carry out the treatment rooms, said the representative of the hoteliers.
Shlapak also noted that while the Moscow hotels has not received prescriptions for a single accommodation of guests, where the only exceptions are family members (as is done for the Moscow region and resort areas). However, entrepreneurs do not exclude that it can be extended to the hotels of the capital.