Crimean officials will work 24 hours a day every day if the requirements for the implementation of national projects and the cleaning will not be performed, said the head of the Republic Sergey Aksenov.
the Regional projects of the Crimea, included in the national project, in 2019, funded at $ 11.7 billion. On January 1, 2020, they were performed in a volume of 90.2% of the plan.
the Meetings will be on Saturdays, then on Sundays at 12 and 16 hours, so nobody could go to the sea, said Aksenov. And added that he would take officials into submission, if the word is given time to execute it. 2020 will be the year of commitments.
All members of the Crimean government in 2019 was resigned when Putin took office, but continue to fulfill its obligations to appoint a new Cabinet.
In October, Aksyonov announced the personnel of the project “Your government” in social networks. The winner will be included in the Council of Ministers of Crimea. Applicants were sent a video of myself and took tests, reports TASS.
Republic of Crimea is involved in 11 projects. The exception is the project “Science”. The amount of funding to 31.8 billion rubles.