Eid al-Adha Muslims in Altai this year celebrated at home. Because of the epidemic of the coronavirus entrance to the mosque was limited, reminiscent of the GTRK “Altai”.
Eid al-Fitr is a great festival. It marks the completion of lent, which lasts the entire month of Ramadan. Usually to make a festive prayer in the mosque comes to seven thousand Muslims. This time prayer was made without members. In addition to the Imam in the mosque were only three employees. All believers celebrated Eid al-Adha at home.
With words of support at this difficult time for the believers asked the Chairman of the Spiritual administration of Muslims of the Altai territory, the chief Imam of the mosque of Barnaul faheem Hazrat. He congratulated everyone and wished them health and strength to survive.
meanwhile, in the region of the 81 new cases COVID-19. The total number of infected — 1406 people. 610 of them – inhabitants of Barnaul. Over the past day, two patients died. Since the beginning of the epidemic the disease was won by 639 people.
Text: GTRK “Altai”