yesterday it is impossible to believe, but now all is well. One of the main Muslim holidays — Eid al-Fitr, takes place under conditions of maximum isolation. Leave the car and especially to walk-in guests is strictly prohibited. On the street not a soul.

Reinforced patrols on the roads of the Republic since yesterday. Roads are open only for emergency services. This is a special order of the head of the region for the entire period of holidays. The night before, Ramzan Kadyrov congratulated all Muslims on the end of the Holy fasting: “I Greet you, fellow countrymen. I want to congratulate you with the end of Ramadan. May the Almighty reward all those who fast, give health to the subsequent posts.”

Eid prayers held only one mosque “Heart of Chechnya”. In strict accordance with the norms of precaution from COVID-19. Hundreds of scholars from all over the country together prayed to God for deliverance of the world from the epidemic. All the other major religious ceremonies in the Republic is abolished.

Quarantine measures, perhaps the most upset children. On this day they also are unable to go to visit relatives and neighbors, where they always generously gave out sweets. But many gifts were brought to the house. Action for children from needy families held regional public Foundation and the fashion House “Firdaus”. And on the eve of such families were given fresh meat for the festive table and gave 10 thousand rubles.

Text: “News of the week”