all-Russia summer program for distance education invites musicians from 11 to 17 years from different regions of Russia. It was organized by educational center “Sirius” and the Central music school at the Moscow state Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. About it report “Vesti Sochi”.
In the project “Musical summer” will be able to participate students and graduates of music schools and their teachers. Now more than ever it is important things to organize summer holiday of children in the context of the epidemic of the coronavirus. This was at a meeting in late may, said President Vladimir Putin. Many businesses only restore their activities, not all families will now be able to spend holidays with children. To help in the organization of leisure is just called the program “Sirius”, said the press service of the education center.
Applications for training are accepted on the platform “Sirius.Online” from June 10. Applicants who want to learn the profession of the solo performer in classical music, you can send your videos. 130 will select the best music experts. One of the requirements to the participants — previously, they should not be taught in “Sirius”.
Classes will be held from 6 July to 26 August. The project will be an online course with 13 specialties, including piano, violin, cello, harp and others. The result will be 13 reporting of online concerts and a Gala concert with the participation of the best. On the ground coordination of the project will be engaged in regional centers “Sirius”. With the highest number of points will get to full-time educational program in the Sochi center.
Text: state television and radio company “Vesti Sochi”